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The 'Books' page of FelsenSigns presents a book titled 'Me and My Big Ideas – Counterculture, Social Media, and the Future'. The book chronicles the author's journey through the evolution of social media from the 1960s to the 1980s, exploring its origins, politics, and the need for better information exchange. The author hopes to educate readers on how social media was structured for corporate benefit and how it can be reimagined for societal good.
Lee Felsenstein, a key figure in the evolution of personal computers, explores the rise of social media, AI’s shortcomings, and the golden age of engineering in his new book.
The PiDP-10 is a modern reproduction of the PDP-10, powered by a Raspberry Pi and featuring a front panel with tons of LEDs and switches. It's designed for those who want to experience the computing power of the 1960s, but with a modern twist.
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